Saturday, September 22, 2012

Front part DONE!

Unfortunately there were not many updates but I'll get it running this year. :-)

First of all I discovered a crack in the lower fork brace, so I sourced a new one on Ebay and installed it.
Since the fork were apart anyways, I changed the fork oil as well.

Also, the handlebars and the speedo were installed in their final position on the upper fork brace with a custom mount.

Because the clip-ons are so much lower than the stock bar, I had to use a shorter clutch cable. I bought a new one from BMW, actually meant for a /5 Airhead, but it went on just fine only with a custom made stainless steel spacer .

After adjusting the front fender once again, the front part of the bike is DONE. Only the brake line is not yet connected.

Still left is the seat and quite possibly new exhausts. Oh and electrics...which up to this point don't work AT ALL.

Stay tuned.